Training Programs for dogs 6 months and older







Adult Dog Programs

In our programs you will discover how to transform your dog, can you imagine your dog …


  • Come flying to you the second you call? Passing by other dogs, food and other distractions along the way.
  • Have the confidence to take your dog anywhere knowing they will be attentive and responsive to you.
  • Have guests over without worrying about your dog embarrassing you with their bad behavior. 

​We know living with a badly-mannered dog is tiring and frustrating. We have a program solution that will have you saying goodbye to frustration and hello to a happy, well-behaved dog you will be proud of.

The biggest difference between each of these programs is the amount of time you and your dog spend training directly with us. The more time you and your dog spend with us, the more reliable your dog will be in different situations and distractions, and the more confident you will be handling your dog!

Our longer programs include more long-term support after the program ends for your peace of mind - we’ve got your back!

Tell Us About Your Dog

Canine Connect Program


Are you struggling with minor behavior issues like jumping up, nuisance barking or pulling on leash?  You are familiar with training, but just need a little assistance and support to get started?  This month-long program is best for those small fixes or to help you work through a certain issue you are experiencing.


  • Discover how to apply our easy to follow, step-by-step process to help minimize common problems such as jumping, barking, pulling on the leash or others.
  • Customized lesson plan to get you started on the right foot, so you know which behaviors/actions you need to start reinforcing first.
  • We work with you to establish a structure and training plan to begin transforming your dog’s bad behavior into something appropriate.


  • Weekly Private one-on-one lessons online or at your home – right where you most need help.
  • Video and written lesson support materials
  • 3 months of email and phone support after the program ends for continued peace of mind.
  • End of program report card highlighting your dog’s strengths and things to keep working on – Recommendations for next steps.

Mindful Manners Program


If you’re looking for great reliability with a dog that chooses good manners both at home and out in public, this program is a great choice. Imagine trusting that going for peaceful hikes, to the park and other outdoor adventures will be enjoyable and relaxing.   

This program covers all the basic obedience and manners included in our Canine Connect program, and then some!

This in-depth program walks you step-by-step through our training sessions. You and your dog will go out on field trips when ready – We help you work your dog in real life situations, setting you up for success in transforming your dog into one who is enjoyable to take out in public and proud to show off to your friends and family.  Yes, even when they come to visit at your home! In this program you will also receive additional support through our private Facebook community – you are not alone! 

 You will enjoy the confidence in knowing we will walk you through each step along the way!

*This program is typically accomplished in 2 months.


 All of the benefits from the Canine Connect Program, plus more!

  • Out and about field trips to help you and your dog work in real life situations.
  • Bi-Weekly check-ins will identify any issues you are having before they become a problem.
  • Reliability in keeping your dog's attention in those previous problem areas.


  • Private one-on-one lessons online or at your home – right where you most need help.
  • 3 Field trips to proof around distractions and work in real world situations.
  • Bi-Weekly check-ins for you to get additional support.
  • Customized schedule of things to work on at each session to keep you on track with your goals.
  • Video and written lesson support materials.
  • 6 months of email and phone support after the program ends for continued peace of mind.
  • End of program report card with strengths and things to keep working on – Recommendations for next steps.

Ultimate Companion Program


Are you ready for a change with your dog?  You’d really love to have your dog listen off leash and come running to you every time you call.  How great would it feel to have the confidence knowing your dog would come right back if you accidentally dropped the leash or it broke - ignoring other dogs, people and even a squirrel?

What if you could have that same confidence in your dog listening to you, but also other members in your family? How good would it feel to have other families say they wish their dog would listen like that?

Confidence and long-term peace of mind is what this program gives you.  One full year of support after the program ends means knowing you can contact your trainer for help if you have questions or need help. 

*This program is typically accomplished in 4 months.


 All of the benefits from the Canine Connect and Mindful Manners Programs, plus more!

  • Off Leash reliability training following our step-by-step process and guidance.
  • Family involvement – We will work with additional family members so everyone is on the same page and consistent with the training.
  • Come When Called Reliability so your dog will come when it is truly important.

  • Out and about field trips to help you and your dog proof distractions and work in real life situations.
  • One year of support after the program ends – We’re here when you need us! 


  • Private one-on-one lessons online or at your home – right where you need the most help.
  • 6 Field trips to proof around distractions and work in real world situations.
  • Bi-Weekly check-ins for you to get additional support.
  • Customized schedule of things to work on at each session to keep you on track with your goals.
  • Personalized video feedback and tips
  • Scheduling with other household members
  • End of program report card with puppy strengths and things to keep working on – Recommendations for next steps.

Get in touch now to tell us about your dog!

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